When you first start out in your network marketing or MLM business, it is natural that you approach your family and relatives. However, if you do not know how to handle them, you may blow your chances right from the start.
Because friends have the tendency to view you as an equal, they don't acknowledge your success and are very judgmental of you. Therefore it is difficult to make them listen to you.
They may have seen your down side, your weakness and they may even look down on your presentation. They may also make fun and joke with you about recruiting them.
So sometimes, it is better to get your upline who is willing and have the experience and influence to help you out in your first few appointments. Leverage on them to get your first few downlines.
In this case, you have to practice the Rule of ABC. A being the Advisor or Upline, B being the Bridge which is you. and C is the customer which is your prospect.
You have to ensure that you bridge your prospect to your leader or upline. You must ensure that you have clearly tell him or her of your upline's achievement in the company or in the industry. In this case, your prospect will look up to your upline and readily listen to what he or she has got to share.
During th presentation, you should sit by your friend, giving support through out the presentation. You should always be around during such presentation to show respect to your upline and friend.
During the appointment there are also a few things you need to watch out to increase the effectiveness. Don't try to help out your upline and give advice, you should just agree to what your upline says.
You have to also understand that the onus of closing your friend lies with you and not your upline. You have to close your friend yourself after the presentation. You should talk to him or her and give moral support that it is the right choice to join you in the business.
If he is still indecisive, you should find out his considerations and give advice as a friend, so that they won't find you aggressive and pushy.
Because friends have the tendency to view you as an equal, they don't acknowledge your success and are very judgmental of you. Therefore it is difficult to make them listen to you.
They may have seen your down side, your weakness and they may even look down on your presentation. They may also make fun and joke with you about recruiting them.
So sometimes, it is better to get your upline who is willing and have the experience and influence to help you out in your first few appointments. Leverage on them to get your first few downlines.
In this case, you have to practice the Rule of ABC. A being the Advisor or Upline, B being the Bridge which is you. and C is the customer which is your prospect.
You have to ensure that you bridge your prospect to your leader or upline. You must ensure that you have clearly tell him or her of your upline's achievement in the company or in the industry. In this case, your prospect will look up to your upline and readily listen to what he or she has got to share.
During th presentation, you should sit by your friend, giving support through out the presentation. You should always be around during such presentation to show respect to your upline and friend.
During the appointment there are also a few things you need to watch out to increase the effectiveness. Don't try to help out your upline and give advice, you should just agree to what your upline says.
You have to also understand that the onus of closing your friend lies with you and not your upline. You have to close your friend yourself after the presentation. You should talk to him or her and give moral support that it is the right choice to join you in the business.
If he is still indecisive, you should find out his considerations and give advice as a friend, so that they won't find you aggressive and pushy.
About the Author:
MLM Absolute is an online learning platform that helps MLMers, Network & Internet Marketers skills and ropes needed to make money in the business. To learn more about MLM & Network Marketing, visit MLM Absolute
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